High-performance monolithic pin-MODFET transimpedance photoreceiver

The performance characteristics of a transimpedance photoreceiver using a In/sub 0.53/Ga/sub 0.47/As p-i-n photodiode integrated with a 0.1- mu m-gate-length regrown pseudomorphic In/sub 0.60/Ga/sub 0.40/As MODFET grown by MBE have been investigated. The regrown MODFETs have extrinsic transconductance values as high as 610 mS/mm and channel currents up to 350 mA/mm at a drain bias of 1.5 V. The measured temporal response of the photoreceiver exhibits a FWHM value of 90 ps, which indicates a bandwidth of approximately 6 GHz and expected 10-Gb/s operation. The transimpedance gain was as high as 55 dB- Omega with an 800- Omega feedback resistor.