Final-state interactions in theC12(16O,12C12C)α andO16(16O,12C16O)α reactions

The population of excited states in Mg24 and Si28 has been investigated through the reactions C12 (16O,12 C12C)α and O16 (16O,12 C16O)α, at beam energies of 80.5 and 99 MeV. The heavy-ion fragments from the breakup of the Mg24 and Si28 nuclei were detected in coincidence, permitting a study of both the reaction kinematics and the spins of the fissioning states. These measurements indicate a series of states in Mg24 between 25 and 32 MeV with spins ranging from J=10 to 14 ħ. Evidence was also found for the breakup of Si28 into C12 + O16 from states between 27 and 29 MeV.