High-current lattice-strained In0.59Ga0.41As/In0.52Al0.48As modulation-doped field-effect transistors grown by molecular beam epitaxy

High‐current driving capability is realized in submicron‐gate lattice‐strained In0.59Ga0.41As/In0.52Al0.48As (Δa/a=4×10−3) modulation‐doped field‐effect transistors. Full‐channel drain current in excess of 1.10 and 1.90 A/mm are obtained at 80 K for the singly doped and doubly doped structure, respectively. By using the double modulation technique and a buried p‐buffer layer, excellent high‐frequency performance and flat transconductance characteristics were realized over a very broad range of gate and drain bias voltages. These devices are very suitable for large‐signal or power device operations. The high quality In0.52Al0.48As buffer layer eliminates the hysteresis and current instability (or the kink effect) in submicron‐gate devices at both 300 and 80 K.