Centifanto, Ysolina M. (University of Florida, Gainesville), and Warren S. Silver . Leafnodule symbiosis. I. Endophyte of Psychotria bacteriophila . J. Bacteriol. 88: 776–781. 1964.—The leaf-nodule endophyte of Psychotria bacteriophila has been repeatedly isolated in pure culture from germinating seedlings and young leaves on a nitrogen-free mineral agar. Its morphological, serological, and cultural characteristics place it within the Klebsiella-Aerobacter group. The endophyte has been provisionally named Klebsiella rubiacearum . Pure cultures fix N 2 under anaerobic conditions with good efficiency (4.54 μg of N fixed/mg of glucose utilized in 3 days). Nitrogen fixation by pure cultures is intimately related to pyruvate and hydrogen metabolism.