Sesame seed was toasted at 260C for 10 min. Oil was extracted with hexane at room temperature for 10 h. Post‐treatment of the oil was not done. One half gram of TenaxR TA 60/80 (Supelco Inc., Bellefonte, PA) was used for trapping the volatile compounds from one hundred milliliters of toasted sesame seed oil. The procedure was continued for 24 h. The TenaxR TA was washed three times using polar and nonpolar solvents. The solvent extracts were combined and concentrated by drying in a hood at room temperature for 6 h. Two μl of concentrated extract were separated on a 30 m DB 1 bonded phase fused silica capillary column (J&W Scientific, Folsom, CA) with a Hewlett Packard (HP) 5890A gas chromatograph connected to a HP 5790 mass selective spectrometer. Volatiles were tentatively identified with a NBS 43K.1 library by PBM (probability based on matching) search.Seventy‐nine peaks were detected by the mass selective detector. Among those, 66 peaks were tentatively identified. Dimethylsulfide, 4‐methylthiazole, 2,4‐dimethylthiazole, methylpyrazine, 2,5‐dimethylpyrazine, dihydro‐4,5‐dimethyl‐2(3H)‐furanone, dodecane, tetradecane, 2,6‐bis(1,1‐dimethylethyl)‐4‐methyl phenol, N,N‐bis (2‐hydroxyethyl)‐dodecamide, cyclododecane, 2,3‐dihydro‐1,1,3‐trimethyl‐3‐phenyl‐1H‐indene, tetradecanoic acid, pentadecanoic acid, hexa‐decenul, hexudecanoic acid, 9‐octudecenoic mid, ocladecanoic acid, [1,1′:3′,1 ′I‐tephenylJ‐1′‐ol and bis (2‐ethyl hexy1)phthulate were the major volutiles identifled tentdively.