Behavior of Starches Derived from Varieties of Maize Containing Different Genetic Mutations. III. Effects of Biopolymer Source on Starch Characteristics Including Paste Clarity

Starch was extracted from three mutant maize genotypes (waxy, (wx), waxy shrunken 1 (wxsh1), and dull waxy (duwx). Each starch was found to have distinct physical and functional properties. Starch from wxsh 1 was found to have a slower rate of retrogradation, enhanced freeze-thaw stability, and greater clarity when compared to either wx or duwx. This clarity was stable over time. Neither the degree of clarity of the wxsh 1 paste nor its stability was affected by the presence of salt or sugar. Starch from several different backgrounds containing duwx produced during several growing seasons, had a smaller particle size distribution than either wx or wxsh1. Starch especially from duwx, had a distinct Brabender Visco-Amylograph profile.