Far-infrared studies in epitaxial films of III–V and IV–VI semiconductors*

The conventional two-oscillator model together with the assumption of an abrupt interface has been used to fit far-infrared reflection and transmission data for the epitaxial-substrate systems PbSe on NaCl, Pb0.79 Sn0.21 Te on Pb0.79 Sn0.21 Te, and InAs on semi-insulating GaAs. The model worked well for the first system but failed for the other two. These results suggest, as Tennant and Cape found for PbSnTe, that interface effects appear in far-infrared data. The interface phenomena appear to involve free-carrier mixing across the interface in the PbSnTe system and both carrier and lattice mixing in InAs-GaAs. The joint measurement of reflection and transmission was found especially helpful in analyzing interface behavior. A new high-power pumped far-infrared laser spectrometer was used to make the transmission measurements.