Crystal and luminescence properties of constant-temperature liquid-phase-expitaxial In1−xGaxP (x [inverted lazy s]0.7) grown on (100) GaAs1−xPx (x [inverted lazy s]0.4)

The growth of In1−xGaxP (x [inverted lazy s]0.7) by liquid‐phase epitaxy at constant temperature (CT‐LPE) on [100]‐oriented GaAs1−xPx (x [inverted lazy s]0.4) is described. Spontaneous and stimulated photoluminescence (77°K) of n‐ and p‐type In1−xGaxP crystals is examined. For n‐type crystals, laser modes appear only on the lower‐energy side of the emission peak, whereas in p‐type crystals, laser modes are observed also on the higher‐energy side of the emission peak because of the high density of empty acceptor states ([inverted lazy s]5×1018/cm3) above the hole quasi‐Fermi level. The decreased absorption near the laser wavelengths of p‐type samples yields a value of [inverted lazy s]6.2 for the index expression (n‐λdn/dλ) in contrast to a value of [sine wave]7.0 for n‐type samples. p‐n junctions fabricated by Zn diffusion into the In1−xGaxP epitaxial layers exhibit spectral behavior similar to the photoluminescence spectra of p‐type crystals.