Effect of exogenous ATP on the generative nuclear division in pollen tube of L. longiflorum was studied. Culture of pollen tubes was carried out on a coverslip with 1 out of the 3 kinds of media; i.e., stigmatic exudate (s-e medium), artificial medium (normal medium), and the 1:1 mixture of the 2 (half-tone s-e medium). The artificial medium was supplemented with a graded concentration of ATP (0.01, 0.05 and 0.1%) in the final concentration. Pollen tubes grew to a length of .apprx. 1 cm, seemingly in good health, in all media. Pollen tube generative nuclear division proceeded satisfactorily in regular fashion in the s-e medium while it progressed very slowly in the normal medium when no ATP was supplemented. Mitosis was completely inhibited in the half-tone s-e medium. Addition of a suitable concentration of ATP to the normal medium as well as the half-tone s-e medium resulted in some recovery of mitotis activity of the generative nucleus in pollen tube. Exogenous ATP did not play a leading role in chromosome separation.