Threshold logic circuit design of parallel adders using resonant tunneling devices

Resonant tunneling devices and circuit architectures based on monostable-bistable transition logic elements (MOBILEs) are promising candidates for future nanoscale integration. In this paper, the design of clocked MOBILE-type threshold logic gates and their application to arithmetic circuit components is investigated. The gates are composed of monolithically integrated resonant tunneling diodes and heterostructure field-effect transistors. Experimental results are presented for a programmable NAND/NOR gate. Design related aspects such as the impact of lateral device scaling on the circuit performance and a bit-level pipelined operation using a four phase clocking scheme are discussed. The increased computational functionality of threshold logic gates is exploited in two full adder designs having a minimal logic depth of two circuit stages. Due to the self-latching behavior the adder designs are ideally suited for an application in a bit-level pipelined ripple carry adder. To improve the speed a novel pipelined carry lookahead addition scheme for this logic family is proposed.