Umami revisited: The relationship between inosine monophosphate, hypoxanthine and smiley scales for fish flavor

Multiple regression analysis linking levels of the flesh constituents inosine monophosphate (IMP) and hypoxanthine (Hx) with taste panel scores for the acceptability of fish flavor for seventy one samples of fish from a total of five separate, but similar, experiments involving eight unrelated species of fish and ten different treatments resulted in a simple relationship which accounted for 70% of the variability in the data. Flavor acceptability was measured using the facial hedonic ‘Smiley’ scale, a technique used successfully by the authors which is worthy of re‐evaluation for sensory work. The generality of the relationship and the importance of the balance between IMP and Hx and the use of the Smiley scale are discussed in terms of the Umami phenomenon.