Attempts to label matrix synthesis of human root cementum in vitro

The present study describes the dynamic process of both acellular extrinsic (AEFC) and acellular/cellular intrinsic fiber cementum (AIFC/CIFC) matrix production on growing human teeth. Selected erupting maxillary and mandibular premolars with roots grown to about 70%–95% of their final length were placed in organ culture immediately following extraction. Twelve teeth for short-time labeling were pulse-incubated for 15 min in medium containing 3H-proline and chased for various times in order to follow the migration and secretion of the tracer. Eight teeth for long-time incubation were labeled continuously for 5 h before being chased for 1–8 days in order to label cementum matrix accumulation. After decalcification in ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), their roots were subdivided into about 20 slices each. Epon-embedded sections were prepared for light- and electron-microsopic as well as autoradiographic examination. During CIFC-formation, cementoblasts revealed high intracytoplasmic silver grain concentrations within the first hour after 3H-proline administration. The release of the tracer occurred between 60 to 120 min after administration. After 2 h, cementoblasts and the cementum matrix appeared to be labeled about equally. After 5 h, most of the labeled proteins appeared to be localized in the cementoid. Silver grains increased in number over the cementum matrix from 5–24 h. Very high intracellular grain concentrations within very large cementoblasts corresponded to regions of rapid cementum formation. Tracer-halos around entrapped cells lend support to a multipolar mode of matrix production during CIFC-initiation. The fate of the tracer during the development of early AEFC-matrix was less clear. However, fibroblasts revealed dense intracytoplasmic grain accumulations within the first hour after 3H-proline administration. Thereafter, the tracer localization was vague. This indistinct grain localization reflected the particular mode of AEFC-matrix production characterized by addition of new fibril segments to pre-existing fibers of a collagenous fringe.