Strain compensated In1−xGaxAs(x<0.47) quantum well photodiodes for extended wavelength operation

The use of highly strained (−2.0%) In 0.83 Ga 0.17 As quantum wells for the detection of light to a wavelength of λ∼2.0 μm is reported. Crystal quality for a 50 period multiple quantum well (MQW) detector grown on InP substrates is maintained through strain compensation using tensile strained In 0.83 Ga 0.17 P barriers. Transmission electron microscopy and double crystal x-ray diffraction reveal smooth interfaces and no observable defects for In 0.83 Ga 0.17 As layers with widths less than 80 Å. Single-pass quantum efficiencies of 30% have been achieved at λ=1.95 μm, using a 75 μm diam MQW, strain-compensated, top illuminated, low dark current (∼250 pA at 20 V) p-i-n detector. The theoretical cutoff wavelength limit for diodes fabricated using this technique is calculated to be λ=2.15 μm.