Phonon resonances in photoluminescence spectra of self-assembled quantum dots in an electric field

Phonon resonances observed in the photoluminescence (PL) spectra of InP and In0.35Ga0.65As self-assembled quantum dots (QD’s) in an external electric field are studied in detail. The resonances are shown to arise from fast phonon-assisted relaxation of hot carriers, and to become observable when the PL is quenched by nonradiative losses from excited states. A simple model is developed that considers tunneling of the carriers from the QD’s into the barrier layer as the main process responsible for PL quenching in the presence of an electric field. From this model, the depth of the potential well for holes is estimated to be 10–20 meV for the InP QD’s. The PL kinetics measurement is performed with a time resolution of 6 ps. Clear evidence of surprisingly fast carrier relaxation with emission of high-energy acoustic phonons is found. Further acceleration of the carrier relaxation is observed under strong optical pumping. We consider this effect to be caused by Auger-like carrier-carrier scattering processes. Acceleration of the relaxation observed at elevated temperatures is ascribed to stimulated phonon emission.