Low-temperature characteristics of electron and hole ionization coefficients in (100) oriented Ga1−xInxAsyP1−y

Low‐temperature characteristics of electron and hole ionization coefficients, α and β, in four kinds of (100) oriented Ga1−x Inx Asy P1− y crystals have been derived from photomultiplication data measured on Ga1−x Inx Asy P1− y/InP diodes with arsenic compositions of 0, 0.28, 0.39, and 0.70 over the temperature range from room temperature (293 K) to liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K). It has been found that the increase rates of α and β in GaInAsP with lowering temperatures are 20–50% smaller than those in InP, and that the increase rate of β in a GaInAsP crystal is 15–25% smaller than that of α in the same crystal. These low‐temperature characteristics of α and β have been indicated to be explained by assuming alloy scattering influencing impact‐ionizing electrons and holes in quaternary alloy crystals in this temperature range.