Use of tertiarybutylarsine in atomic layer epitaxy and laser-assisted atomic layer epitaxy of device quality GaAs

The use of trimethylgallium (TMGa) and tertiarybutylarsine (TBAs) in atomic layer epitaxy (ALE) and laser‐assisted atomic layer epitaxy (LALE) of GaAs is studied for the first time. TBAs is found to be a direct and suitable replacement for arsine (AsH3) in achieving monolayer self‐limiting growth. Carbon contamination in the GaAs films grown by LALE using TMGa and TBAs is greatly reduced relative to those using TMGa and AsH3. Laser structures single GaAs quantum wells grown by ALE and LALE using TBAs exhibit threshold current density as low as 300 and 520 A/cm2, respectively.