Proton resonances inSi28fromEx=13.4 to 14.5MeV

The Al27(p,p0), (p,p1), (p,p2), (p,α0), and (p,α1) excitation functions were measured at 90°, 105°, 135°, and 160° in the range Ep=1.853.05 MeV with an overall resolution of 350-400 eV full width at half maximum. Resonance parameters were extracted for 73 resonances with a multilevel, multichannel R-matrix analysis code; these parameters include resonance energy, total angular momentum, partial widths, and channel spin and orbital angular momentum mixing ratios. Eight analog states were identified, and the Coulomb displacement energies and spectroscopic factors were calculated. The values of the s-wave strength functions for J=2 and 3 are SJ=2=0.042 and SJ=3=0.012. The spectroscopic strengths of the Jπ=4, 5, and 6 particle-hole states are presented and compared with other results.