Al27(p, γ)Si28andAl27(He3, d)Si28to the stretched 11.58 MeV (6−, 0) and 14.36 MeV (6−, 1) levels

We have studied the Ex=14.36 MeV 6, T=1 resonance in the Al27(p, γ) reaction with the result that Γp0=Γ=4.0±0.2 keV, from which we infer a (d521, f72) parentage δ120.7. We also obtain B(M1)=2.8±0.4 μN2 or 0.19±0.03 of the pure single particle (d521, f72) value for the 6, 1→6, 0 M1 γ decay. Al27(He3, d) results for stripping to the 6, 1 and the 6, 0 (11.58 MeV) levels indicate S0(p)S1(p)=1.1±0.1 and hence that the 6, 0 level has a (d521, f72) parentage comparable to the 6, 1 level, contrary to inferences based on inelastic proton and pion scattering data. We discuss the hindrance of the M1 decay and the previously measured inelastic electron, proton, and pion excitation strengths relative to the expectations of a one-particle-one-hole model.