Relative Cumulation of ß‐BHC in ecological and biological system

During 1971–1974 a study was undertaken to analyze 1234 samples of different elements of food chain from three regions of Slovakia in order to obtain information on ecological relations of the dynamics of residues of four isomers of BHC compared with p,p ‐DDT and DDE. In contrast to most literature data, a higher relative cumulation of 6‐BHC in animal food products compared to the other isomers was noted. The observed relations between the individual BHC isomers were verified in a model feeding experiment on poultry. Dynamics of the transfer of the BHC isomers between fodder, meat, liver, and eggs were studied in broilers and laying hens. All results of the model feeding experiment confirmed the conclusions of the ecological studies concerning β‐, α‐, and ‐δ ‐BHC. The persistence of the α‐BHC was not confirmed in this manner.