The occurrence of fumonisin B1in maize‐containing foods in the Netherlands

Seventy‐eight maize‐containing foods obtained from retail stores in The Netherlands were analysed for fumonisin B1 contamination. Thirty‐six per cent of the samples were contaminated with fumonisin B1 in the range of 8 μg kg−1 (limit of detection) to 1430 μg/kg−1. Forty‐six per cent of the minimally treated maize samples (n = 39; maize for bread production, maize for popcorn, maize flour and polenta) were contaminated with fumonisin B1 in the range of 8–380 μg kg−1. Twenty‐six per cent of the maize‐containing processed foods (n = 39; tostada, canned maize, maize starch, maize bread, popped maize, flour mixes, maize chips and cornflakes) were contaminated with fumonisin B1 in the range of 8–1430 μg/kg−1.∗∗∗ This survey shows that maize‐containing foods in The Netherlands frequently can be contaminated with fumonisin B1.