Chemical Studies in Periodontal Disease

The amino acid content of normal and hydrolyzed saliva was determined by one- and two-dimensional paper chromatography. In addition to this, saliva from normal individuals and from those suffering from periodontal disease was allowed to putrefy and the rate of putrefaction of this saliva was measured as a function of the relation of amino acids from salivary and casein substrates. It was found that amino acid content of the hydrolyzed saliva from normal individuals and those suffering from periodontal disease was similar, but the amino acid content was greater in the freshly secreted and putrefied saliva of individuals suffering from periodontal disease. An unnatural amino acid, gamma-amino butyric acid, was thought to be present primarily in saliva from those suffering from periodontal disease. In addition to this, it was found that volatile amines, probably methyl amine, was consistently found in saliva of those suffering from periodontal disease.

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