Improved β-SiC heteroepitaxial films using off-axis Si substrates

All β-SiC films grown using on-axis (001) Si substrates that have been examined with transmission electron microscopy exhibit a high density of interfacial twins, stacking faults, and antiphase disorder. The antiphase boundaries can be decorated by chemical etching, sputter etching, wet oxidation, and β-SiC growth in the presence of diborane. All traces of antiphase disorder are eliminated when the heteroepitaxial growth is carried out on vicinal (001) Si substrates that are tilted 2° about a 〈110〉 axis. In addition, growth on the off-axis Si produces β-SiC films that are significantly smoother than on-axis films. The density of stacking faults is apparently unaffected by growth on the off-axis substrates.