Influence of Fe Contamination in Czochralski-Grown Silicon Single Crystals on LSI-Yield Related Crystal Quality Characteristics

Influence of Fe contamination in CZ-grown silicon single crystal on oxidation-induced stacking fault (OSF) generation density, carrier recombination and generation lifetimes, and gate oxide integrity (GOI) yield characteristics was experimentally investigated. Two Fe-doped silicon ingots were grown and tested. Concentration of Fe-B ([Fe-B]) in these silicon ingots measured by deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) was about 5×1011 cm-3 and 5×1012 cm-3, respectively. OSF density generated by three-step annealing showed dependence on [Fe-B]. Carrier recombination lifetime (τ r) showed good correlation with [Fe-B], and a quantitative relationship was established. OSF density after one-step annealing, carrier generation lifetime (τ g) and GOI yield were not so dependent on [Fe-B].