The temperature sensitivity of metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD)-grown highly strained (/spl Delta//spl alpha///spl alpha//spl sim/2.7%) In/sub 0.4/Ga/sub 0.6/Asand In/sub 0.4/Ga/sub 0.6/As/sub 0.995/N/sub 0.005/ quantum-well (QW) active lasers, with lasing wavelength of 1.185 and 1.295 /spl mu/m, respectively, is analyzed in terms of measured fundamental device parameters. From our analysis, the lower To values for the InGaAsN QW lasers can be explained in terms of the temperature dependence of the current injection efficiency, presumably due to increased carrier leakage in the InGaAsN QW lasers.

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