Tumors Induced in Hamsters by Injection of Rhesus Monkey Kidney Cell Extracts

Monkey, kidney cells grown on glass in nutrient fluids for a period of 2 weeks were ground while frozen and the thawed extracts injected into hamsters < 1 to 3 days of age. Of 154 hamsters injected with the kidney cell extracts, 109 developed tumors at the site of inoculation. Extract prepared in a similar manner from the monkey-kidney-extract-induced hamster neoplasms and injected into< 1 to 3 day old hamsters did not induce tumors. The hamster tumors were transplantable to other hamsters. Tumors developed in the recipient hamsters within 6[long dash]48 days and the animals died. The tumors appeared to be undiff erentiated sarcomas.