It is found that equivalent gate noise power for l/f noise in n-channel silicon-gate MOS transistors at near zero drain voltage at room temperature is empirically described by two noise terms, which vary asK_{1}(q/C_{ox}) (V_{G} -V_{T})/f and K_{2}(q/C_{ox})^{2}/f, where V_{G}is gate voltage, VTis threshold Voltage, and Coxis gate-oxide capacitance per unit area. Unification of carrier-density fluctuation (McWhorter's model)and mobility fluctuation (Hooge's model) can account for the experimental data. The comparison between the theory and experiment shows that the carrier fluctuation term K2is proportional to oxide-trap density at Fermi-level. The mobility fluctuation term K1is correlated to K2, being proportional to\radic K_{2}. The origin of this correlation is yet to be clarified.

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