Holographic photoelectrochemical etching of diffraction gratings in n-InP and n-GaInAsP for distributed feedback lasers

Direct photoelectrochemical (PEC) etching of diffraction gratings on n‐InP and n‐GaInAsP in a 2‐M HF/0.5‐M KOH solution has been demonstrated using laser interference holography. Development of a maskless technique for producing gratings has potential application in the fabrication of distributed feedback lasers which are currently made by a multistep photoresist process. Submicron diffraction gratings having a period of 0.5 μm, corresponding to second‐order feedback in GaInAsP at λ=1.55 μm, have been achieved. Measurements were obtained on the exposure characteristics, diffraction efficiency, and PEC etching sensitivity of gratings produced in InP and GaInAsP as a function of the writing beam intensity, laser wavelength, material doping level, and grating spatial frequency. For grating frequencies greater than 100 mm1 the sensitivity was observed to decrease approximately as the inverse square of the spatial frequency. In addition, undoped InP and GaInAsP exhibited significantly lower sensitivities than n‐doped material.