1 µm MOSFET VLSI technology: Part IV—Hot-electron design constraints

An approach is described for determining the hot-electron-limited voltages for silicon MOSFET's of small dimensions. The approach was followed in determining the room-temperature and the 77 K hot-electron-limited voltages for a device designed to have a minimum channel length of 1 µm. The substrate hot-electron limits were determined empirically from measurements of the emission probabilities as a function of voltage using devices of reentrant geometry. The channel hot-electron limits were determined empirically from measurements of the injection current as a function of voltage and from long-term stress experiments. For the 1 µm design considered, the channel hot-electron limits are lower than the substrate hot-electron limits. The maximum voltage,V_{DS} = V_{GS}, is 4.75 V at room temperature (25°C) and 3.5 V at 77 K. More details of the voltage limits as well as the approach for determining them are discussed. Examples of circuits designed with these devices to operate within these hot-electron voltage limits are also discussed.

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