Angular Correlation betweenKandLX Rays in Ta and Tl

Angular correlations between K and L x rays in Ta and Tl were measured. The K x rays were detected with a NaI(Tl) crystal, and the L x rays with a Ge(Li) spectrometer. The angular-correlation functions for the KLα and KLβ cascades in Ta were found to be W(θ)=1+(2.48±0.41)×102P2(cosθ) and W(θ)=1(0.12±0.46)×102P2(cosθ), respectively. The result for the KLα cascade is in fair agreement with theory, while the result for the KLβ cascade deviates significantly from the theoretical prediction. The angular-correlation functions for the KLα, KLβ, and KLl cascades in Tl were found to be W(θ)=1+(3.63±0.32)×102P2(cosθ), W(θ)=1+(1.31±0.36)×102P2(cosθ), and W(θ)=1+(21.8±2.0)×102P2(cosθ). These results are in relatively good agreement with theory when the M2 admixtures in the x-ray transitions are taken into account. Better agreement with theory would be obtained for slightly higher M2 admixtures in the L x-ray transitions than theoretically calculated on the basis of an independent-particle model.