Enhanced Inhibition of Anticancer Drugs by Human Recombinant Gamma-Interferon for Human Renal Cell Carcinoma in Vitro

We studied the inhibitory effect of seven anticancer drugs and .alpha.-, recombinant .beta.-, and recombinant .gamma.-interferons on the in vitro growth of two established human renal cell carcinomas and 16 renal cell carcinomas obtained from patients using monolayer culture and the double-layer soft agar system. Recombinant .gamma.-interferon was the most effective of three types of interferon. Combined treatment with recombinant .gamma.-interferon and some anticancer drugs inhibited the cell growth in both cell lines more than treatment with each drug alone. Treatment with recombinant .gamma.-interferon and cis-platinum or 5-fluorouracil following a 24-hour incubation with the interferon was more effective than when interferon and the drug were given simultaneously. Treatment using doxorubicin, cis-platinum, or vinblastine with recombinant .gamma.-interferon synergistically inhibited colony formation in 11 of the 16 renal cell carcinomas that showed clonal growth. Our results suggest that treatment with anticancer drugs in combination with recombinant .gamma.-interferon is effective for renal cell carcinoma.