Changes in the Glycoproteins of the Cerebrospinal Fluid in Neurologic Diseases

The method for the determination of the glycoproteins in the cerebrospinal fluid (Roboz, Eliz., Murphy, J. B., Hess, W. C, Forster, F. M. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. and Med. 89: 691, 1955) was applied to the spinal fluid of a large group of patients with the following neuropathies: 25 multiple sclerosis; 24 neurosyphilis; 16 brain tumor; 6 cerebral thrombosis; 5 infectious neuritis; 10 idiopathic epilepsy; 8 symptomatic epilepsy. As a control, 15 patients with non-demyelinating diseases were used. The largest increase of the protein bound carbohydrates was found in brain tumor. This increase is not merely a function of higher concentration of protein, often found in brain tumor, for the ratio of carbohydrate content to the protein content was statistically significant when compared with the control. An increase was likewise found in carbohydrates conjugated with the gamma globulin fraction of spinal fluid from cases of multiple sclerosis and neurosyphilis.