Selective Growth of GaAs by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Selective epitaxial growth of GaAs on patterned GaAs substrates covered with SiN x have been demonstrated at 580°C by using atomic hydrogen irradiation in molecular beam epitaxy. The mechanism of the selective growth is mainly due to the re-evaporation of GaAs from the mask, SiN x . Re-evaporation rate of GaAs from the SiN x surface is larger than that from the SiO2 surface, and hence the selective growth of GaAs can be more easily achieved using SiN x mask. The epitaxial patterns of GaAs have clear crystal facets. In the line and space patterns along [110], (11̄0), (111)B and (211)B faces appear and in the [11̄0] line, (311)A and (111)A faces appear. There are no edge peaking and the side wall definitely reflects the mask edge boundary.