Anisotropic directional correlations betweenγrays andKx rays emitted from atoms with deformed nuclei

Measurements of the directional correlations between K x rays following internal conversion and γ rays in Tm169 and Ta181 have been made. For the cascades in Tm169 the correlation coefficients are A22(Kα1131γ)=0.032±0.007, A44(Kα1131γ)=+0.014±0.008, A22(Kα2131γ)=0.017±0.007, and A44(Kα2131γ)=0.012±0.007. For the cascades in Ta181 the correlation coefficients are A22(Kα1133γ)=0.037±0.012, A44(Kα1133γ)=0.022±0.017, A22(Kα2133γ)=0.038±0.017, and A44(Kα2133γ)=0.037±0.029. The anisotropic correlations in Tm169 verify the existence of the effect and serve as a test case for x rays following magnetic-dipole internal conversion. The measurements in Ta181 establish the second known case of this phenomenon and in addition were made with better energy resolution. This case involves several mixed nuclear transitions which result in 38% of the x rays following electric-quadrupole internal-conversion processes.