Collections made at many locations in the Bahamas in 1967 and 1968, mostly with the Ockelmann sledge, contained an abundance of the benthic chaetognath genus Spadella. The species are Spadella nana Owre, S. pulchella Owre, S. schizoptera Conant, and most numerous as well as a new record for the western Atlantic, S. cephaloptera (Busch). The pelagic species Sagitta hispida Conant was frequently captured in the sledge, S. helenae Ritter-Záhony rarely, and S. hispida, S. serratodentata Krohn, and Krohnitta pacifica (Aida) occurred in plankton samples. Collections made in 1971 with the same gear in Broad Creek, Biscayne Bay, Florida, have shown Spadella cephaloptera, S. nana, and S. schizoptera to be common there also.

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