Heteroimmunization with isolated human ova

Rabbit antiserum raised against isolated human ova produced an intense immunofluorescence and a precipitate on the outer surface of human and porcine zonae pellucidae. The antiserum did not react with 22 human tissues or with 4 body fluid components by immunofluorescence or immunodiffusion analysis, but the antiserum agglutinated AB erythrocytes after absorption with O erythrocytes. The anti-zona activity was achieved by higher titers for human than for porcine zonae. Immunofluorescence on porcine zonae was completely abolished by absorption with porcine ova; a weak but definite fluorescence remained on human zonae. The human zona pellucida consists of at least 3 distinct components: a specific antigen(s) shared by human and porcine zonae, an antigen(s) specific to human zonae, and a non-specific antigen(s) associated with the blood group substances.