We have measured core-level and valence-band spectra of a-Si1x Cx and a-Si1x Cx:H (0≤x≤1), alloys of 2H-SiC, and of the a-Si/a-Si1x Cx and a-Si/a-Si1x Cx:H interfaces. From these measurements we determine the valence-band offsets at the interface ΔEv, the overlayer-induced band bending, and the ‘‘natural’’ band discontinuities ΔEv0. The latter quantity is defined as the difference in the valence-band maximum of a-Si and a-Si1x Cx:H when both are referred to the chemically unshifted Si 2p core-level component. It is found that ΔEv0 agrees with ΔEv for x<0.5 both for the hydrogenated and for dehydrogenated (annealed at 650°) alloy interfaces. In this range ΔEv is rather insensitive to x and amounts to 0.8 (with H) and 0.3 eV (without H), respectively. Above x=0.5, ΔEv rises in both cases linearly with x and reaches values of 2.0 (with H) and 1.5 eV (without H), respectively. These values are smaller than expected for the ‘‘natural’’ offsets and the differences can be accounted for by invoking an interface dipole density of 3.4×1014 eÅ/cm2 or a charge transfer of about 0.01 electrons per atom pair across the interface from silicon to the more electronegative Si1x Cx or Si1x Cx:H.