Improvement of wet-oxidized AlxGa1−xAs (x∼1) through the use of AlAs/GaAs digital alloys

[[abstract]]A comparison of the water vapor oxidation characteristics of AlAs, Al0.98Ga0.02As, and an AlxGa1−xAs digital alloy was performed. The AlxGa1−xAs digital alloy consists of periods of 49 monolayers of AlAs and 1 monolayer of GaAs and has an equivalent composition of x = 0.98. Oxidation rates and the structural integrity of the three layers were compared. When oxidized in water vapor, the AlxGa1−xAs digital alloy and the AlAs have similar oxidation rates, both of which are twice as fast as the Al0.98Ga0.02As layer. Post-oxidation annealing of these samples at 450 °C showed severe delamination at the oxide/GaAs interface in the AlAs sample while the AlxGa1−xAs digital alloy sample was not damaged.[[fileno]]2030161010057[[department]]電機工程學