Electrical characterization of atomic layer epitaxy ZnS:Mn alternating-current thin-film electroluminescent devices subject to various waveforms

The electrical response of ZnS:Mn alternating‐current thin‐film electroluminescent devices grown by atomic layer epitaxy (ALE) is studied by systematically varying the characteristics of the standard driving waveform. Charge‐voltage, capacitance‐voltage, and internal charge‐phosphor field analysis are used to accomplish electrical analysis. The turn‐on voltage, polarization charge, conduction charge, leakage charge, relaxation charge, preclamping interface state density, and steady‐state phosphor field are all monitored as a function of the driving waveform for both polarities. The electrical response is found to be asymmetric with respect to the polarity of the applied voltage pulse; this asymmetry is attributed to an asymmetry of the interface state density and to the existence of space charge within the ALE‐grown phosphor layer.