2-(4-Alkylphenyl)-5-(alkenyloxy)pyrimidines: Synthesis, liquid crystal transition temperatures and some physical properties

We have recently reported the introduction of a carbon-carbon double bond into a wide variety of 5-n-alkyl-2-(4-n-alkoxyphenyl)pyrimidines to produce the corresponding alkenyloxy derivatives. The position and nature (E/Z) of the double bond were varied systematically and the effect on the liquid crystal transition temperatures studied. The position and nature (E/Z) of the double bond changed the conformation of the alkenyloxy chain substantially. This resulted in higher smectic C and nematic transition temperatures for compounds with a trans-double bond (E) at an even number of carbon atoms from the molecular core. Significantly lower transition temperatures (including the melting point) were observed for materials with a cis-double bond (Z) at an odd number of carbon atoms from the molecular core. We have now performed the same operation on the related 2-(4-n-alkylphenyl)-5-n-alkoxypyrimidines to produce the corresponding alkenyloxy derivatives. An interesting feature of the new results is the high melting points of the trans-substituted materials and the low melting points of the terminally substituted compounds. The smectic C transition temperatures of both series are high. No nematic phases could be observed. However, in admixture with other smectic C components, the new compounds lead to surprisingly fast switching times, high smectic C transition temperatures and low melting points/crystallization temperatures in experimental mixtures designed for electro-optic display devices based on ferroelectric effects.