Monolithic integration of InP HBT and HEMT by selective molecular beam epitaxy

InP-based HEMT and HBT device technologies have emerged as an attractive alternative to GaAs-based devices, particularly at millimeter wave frequencies, due to the superior transport properties of InP-based materials. Several research groups have demonstrated record performance for stand-alone InP HEMT and InP HBT technologies at the device and circuit levels. The ability to monolithically integrate high performance HEMTs and HBTs enables innovative circuit designs that take advantage of the strengths of each device technology. By matching the optimal device to its natural function, ultimate circuit performance can be achieved. For example, a HEMT low noise amplifier followed by an HBT high intercept amplifier would provide the highest dynamic range amplifier in comparison to a circuit made up of any one of the technologies. Previously, we have demonstrated this integration scheme for GaAs-based devices; now we report on the HEMT/HBT monolithic integration in the InP material system.

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