Approximate Coulomb effects in the three-body scattering problem

From the momentum space Faddeev equations we derive approximate expressions which describe the Coulomb-nuclear interference in the three-body elastic scattering, rearrangement, and breakup problems and apply the formalism to pd elastic scattering. The approximations treat the Coulomb interference as mainly a two-body effect, but we allow for the charge distribution of the deuteron in the pd calculations. Real and imaginary parts of the Coulomb correction to the elastic scattering phase shifts are described in terms of on-shell quantities only. In the case of pure Coulomb breakup we recover the distorted-wave Born approximation result. Comparing the derived approximation with the full Faddeev pd elastic scattering calculation, which includes the Coulomb force, we obtain good qualitative agreement in S and P waves, but disagreement in repulsive higher partial waves. The on-shell approximation investigated is found to be superior to other current approximations. The calculated differential cross sections at 10 MeV raise the question of whether there is a significant Coulomb-nuclear interference at backward angles.