High resolution reflectivity diffractometer on Station 2.3 (Daresbury Laboratory)

A high resolution reflectivity diffractometer (HRRD) has been recently commissioned on Station 2.3 at the SRS, Daresbury Laboratory. Using the instrument which is x-ray wavelength tunable, the characterization of the interface structure in an ion-assisted deposited Co/Cu multilayer has been carried out. In order to improve the electron density contrast of the sample, we have used an x-ray energy near the Cu K edge of 8.989 keV. By scanning the normal (specular), near normal (off specular), and parallel axes (transverse) of the surface, we have obtained useful reflectivity intensity data. By applying simulations to the data, we have determined a total roughness (rms) of 6.0±0.5 Å with a significant contribution from correlated interfacial roughness (4.2±0.2 Å). Other detailed structural information obtained has successfully demonstrated that the commissioned instrument is a viable tool for reflectivity studies.