Pulsed Laser Deposition of Crystalline Indium Tin Oxide Films at Room Temperature by Substrate Laser Irradiation

Crystalline tin (Sn)-doped indium oxide (ITO) films grown at room temperature (RT) using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) coupled with laser irradiation of the growing films are discussed. The energy of the laser irradiation beam was ∼0.07 J·cm-2. The films were deposited from Sn-doped (0–10 wt%) In2O3 targets under oxygen pressure (P O2 ) of 10-2 Torr. At RT, the laser-irradiated and nonirradiated portions of the films yielded resistivities of ∼1.2×10-4 and ∼2.5×10-4 Ω·cm, respectively. At 200°C, a resistivity of 8.9×10-5 Ω·cm was observed for the laser-irradiated part of the ITO films.