The effect of irradiation on technological properties and protein solubility of broiler chicken meat

During investigations on the effects of irradiation of chicken meat it was found that a 5 kGy dose of gamma 60Co radiation brings about a statistically significant (PY (in 0.1M phosphate buffer+1.1M KI) fell in a linear manner with increase in the radiation dose D according to the equation Y=98.494–0.838 D. The changes in sarcoplasmic fraction extractability Y in 0.03M phosphate buffer are described by the equation Y=101.615–0.515 D, and those of myofibrillar fraction by Y=100.377–1.628 D. Electrophoresis of the protein fraction (soluble in phosphate buffer+1.1M KI) on polyacrylamide gel (with SDS) indicated that the lowest extractability, as compared with untreated samples, was shown by myosin. Other protein solubilities were only slightly altered by the 5 and 10 kGy doses.