Optimizing local charge stratification in a lean-burn spark ignition engine

Gas pressure and local gas velocities have been measured in a single-cylinder spark ignition engine operating at low load and 1000 r/min and the results have characterized the extent to which combustion was enhanced by the injection of a small quantity of a mixture of propane vapour and air towards the spark plug in an otherwise quiescent chamber filled with a homogeneous lean propane/air charge. The effects of the locally generated mean flow/turbulence and equivalence ratio on combustion were examined separately by first injecting a mixture of equivalence ratio identical to that of the homogeneous charge and then a slightly rich mixture into homogeneous charges of lower equivalence ratios. The results show the advantageous effect of jet-induced local turbulence for overall air—fuel ratios between 17 and 24 with a maximum gain in peak pressure of 55 per cent at an air—fuel ratio of 20. The local injection of a rich mixture, in addition to increasing the gain in peak pressure from 30 to 50 per cent at an air—fuel ratio of 24, has extended the lean limit of the engine to 29. The timing of ignition relative to the end of injection, which varied as a function of the injection pressure, was found to have a strong effect on the peak combustion pressure so that, for example, a reduction of 8°(CA) in the time between the spark and the end of injection resulted in a 25 per cent reduction in combustion pressure at an air—fuel ratio of 22. The average flame speed was increased by local injection at all equivalence ratios; for example, a value of 7 m/s was obtained with local injection at an equivalence ratio of 0.7 which is equivalent to the flame speed measured with a homogeneous charge at the much higher equivalence ratio of 0.9.

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