Liquid phase epitaxial In1−x Gax P1−z Asz/GaAs1−y Py quaternary (LPE)-ternary (VPE) heterojunction lasers (x ∼0.70, z ∼0.01, y ∼0.40; λ < 6300 Å, 77°K)

Laser operation (77°K) of LPE In1−x Gax P1−zAsz/ GaAs1−yPy (x ∼0.70, y ∼0.40, z ∼0.01) heterojunctions is demonstrated at λp‐type In1−x Gax P1−zAsz layers on n‐type VPE GaAs1−yPy substrates. It is found that the problem of lattice matching In1−xGaxP on a GaAs1−yPy substrate is eased if the ternary is rendered a quaternary by the incorporation of a small amount of As in the LPE layer. During growth of the resulting p‐type quaternary layer, Zn diffuses into the n‐type ternary substrate, yielding a thin compensated active region. Laser operation of these devices is obtained at significantly shorter wavelengths and lower thresholds than for comparable homojunctions.