The surface and interface morphology, thickness, lattice constant, and the electrical and photoluminescence (PL) properties of doted InGaPAs0.01 grown by LPE on GaAs at 785°C are investisated as a functnon of Zn, Te or Se dopant concentrations in sources (X 1 Zn, X 1 Te or X 1 Se). The thickness chance caused by doping up to X 1 Zn=8×10-3, X 1 Te=8×10-3 or X 1 Se=10-3 is less than 7% and lattice-constant change is less than 7×10-4. The hole and electron concentration, p and n, mobility, µh and µe, and resistivity ρ are shown as a function of X 1 Zn, X 1 Te or X 1 Se and temperature. 298 K values are: p=1.1×1022 X 1 Zn cm-3, µh=30 cm2/V·s, n=6×1020 X 1 Te or 1.6×1022 X 1 Se cm-3 and 500 cm2 V·s≤µe≤1000 cm2/V·s. Both n- and p-type layers show PL-spectral-peak shifts toward higher energy side with increasing n or p. The PL intensity of n-type layers reaches a maximum for n=2×1018 cm-3 while that of p-type layers only decreases with increasing p.