Varying doses of electrophoretically pure adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) were given a patient with rheumatoid arthritis, and the effects observed. Daily doses of 3-6 mg. caused an initial retention of Na and Cl and H2O for 3-4 days, followed by a diuresis. Total balances were altered only with doses of 25 mg./day or more. After withdrawal of ACTH, Na and Cl excretion was increased. 12.5 mg. or more of ACTH caused K diuresis; on withdrawal, K retention occurred. Serum Na increased and K decreased, the change being more marked with increasing dosages. There was a negative correlation between Na and K concns. With doses over 12.5 mg./day, urinary N, P, uric acid, creatine and reducing substances were increased; and the excretion of each correlated well with K excretion and with excretion of other substances in this group. Total white blood count rose; eosinophiles of blood fell on doses less than 12.5 mg./day. Blood glucose rose and plasma P fell when doses less than 12.5 mg. were given.