The high-temperature (55–70 °C) device characteristics of cw (AlGa)As double-heterostructure proton-bombarded stripe lasers grown by molecular beam epitaxy

We present the results of the cw electro‐optical characteristics of 5‐μm shallow proton‐bombarded strip laser fabricated from molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)‐grown double‐heterostructure (DH) wafers that have Al0.08Ga0.92As active layers at elevated temperatures (55–70 °C), and compare them with those obtained from similar lasers fabricated from liquid phase expitaxy (LPE)‐grown DH wafers. It is shown that the MBE lasers maintain their excellent cw device characteristics even at elevated temperatures. The temperature dependence of the cw Ith of MBE lasers is significantly less than that of the LPE lasers. Furthermore, the cw Ith’s of these MBE lasers are at least as good as good LPE lasers. Owing to the very uniform layer thicknesses generated by the MBE process, the resultant slice quality is highly uniform. This results in a significantly increased yield of good lasers per MBE wafer.