Low-Threshold InGaAs/InGaAsP Multiple Quantum Well Lasers Grown by Chemical Beam Epitaxy

InGaAs/InGaAsP separate confinement heterostructure (SCH) multiple quantum well (MQW) lasers were successfully fabricated using chemical beam epitaxy (CBE) with a pressure-control system of gaseous sources. Grown films were processed into double-channel planar buried heterostructure (DCPBH) lasers of 1.5-µm stripe width with regrowth by liquid-phase epitaxy. The uncoated lasers were 300 µm long, and exhibited cw operation with a threshold current as low as 12 mA. About 90% of the lasers had a threshold current below 16 mA. The slope efficiency was 0.22 mW/mA and the characteristic temperature T 0 was 60 K. The uniformity of the grown films and photoluminescence of the MQWs were also studied.